Aminet 2
Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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Text File
159 lines
The Programmers Guide
© by Voyager@Treff.zer
I Introduction
II Requirements
III Installation
IV Disclaimer
(Part I)
What is it?
AUTODOC-IT is a program in amigaguide/hypertext-format which helps you to get
your autodocs (converted with ad2ht included in the amigaguide-package) together
in one document. I wrote it because I did not like to click on an icon every time,
when searching for a certain structure or description in the converted files.
Now all you have to know is: where is this structure I am searching...is it
in asl.guide or anywhere else...?
It is also a comfortable environment for working through the whole thing,
because of cross-references. If you have problems in understanding a
specific word and it is marked by a BLUE-BOX, "click" - and you should get an
explanation...just like in an encyclopedia.
This means, that - if you e.g. load the dos-autodoc-file from within autodoc-it
and click on the function CLI(), you can - from there get information about
the syntax of "Lock" by just clicking on the text. autodoc-it will then
load dosextens.h.
With autodoc-it you have not just autodocs at your service (with all cross
references) but also the information contained in the C-includes!
This project should, as well, encourage more programmers to use an amigaguide-
compatible format in their programs, it is not that hard to understand.
Examples of programs, which already use amigaguide for a (more or less) context
sensitive help system: SUPERDUPER, AMI-BACK 2.0A, DMSWIN 2.0
(Part II)
System requirements:
- AMIGA (what else?) with Kickstart/Workbench 2.0 and some Ram:-)
- A harddisk (the bigger the better:-))
- Amigaguide Distribution Package
- Autodoc-distribution-files or already converted .doc files (2.x)
- 2.0 C-Header Files (included in DevCon distributions, e.g. 2.04).
(Part III)
This is a short description of what should be done BEFORE you try starting
your AUTODOC-IT Script.
First of all, get yourself the amigaguide-package. If you are a registered
developer you can find it on your DEVCON disks. The autodocs are needed
as well, the actual version is, as well, shipped to registered developers.
Your first step is to convert your existing autodocs into the new amigaguide
format. This is discribed in the amigaguide documentation. You should have
already installed the amigaguide package before!
Check, if env: contains a directory named "amigaguide", with files called
"path" and "text".
Path contains the path to your amigaguide directory. If path is not
present, type:
setenv amigaguide/path <DEV:COMPLETE_PATH>
If text is not present, type:
setenv amigaguide/text BUTTON
Take care, that these settings are really saved, otherwise they are gone after
a reset. If you have env: assigned to ram:, copy the amigaguide/path and
amigaguide/text to envarc: on your Harddisk. I should not mention this,
because it is all in the amigaguide docs...
Okay, now find a suitable directory on your Harddisk, where amigaguide-text-
files should reside. Note, that this directory can grow quite a bit,
because in the future there will be many more programs supporting amigaguide.
Add a line to your Startup-Sequence:
assign amigaguide: <DEV:COMPLETE_PATH>
assign include: <DEV:COMPLETE_PATH>
I recommend to follow the next steps as well, although they are
not needed to let AUTODOC-IT work...:
1. Put AUTODOC.IT into your amigaguide directory and select its icon.
2. Choose LEAVE OUT from the Workbench Menu "Icons". This way, you have your
AUTODOC-IT always in sight when you need it. -
You should copy your C-header-files (*.h-type-files) into the amigaguide
directory as well (but put it in a subdirectory or you will face some
problems with the converted .doc files and the directory names of the
includes, e.g. exec is a dir but also a converted autodoc.file!). This way,
amigaguide can find cross-references between several documents which are sometimes
not in the autodocs.
If something does not work the way it should, try snoopdos and find out,
which files AUTODOC-IT cannot find. If you put all your stuff in a
directory which amigaguide knows from its PATH-ENVIRONMENT-VARIABLE,
it should work...
(Part IV)
Copyright notice:
Feel free to adapt this program to your own needs, if you want to redistribute
it, add a note to the AUTODOC-IT header (but do not delete it!) and spread
the complete archive as stated in contents.txt. If you
accept this and do not try to profit from it, AUTODOC-IT is FREEWARE.
Note however, that, like always (even with FREEWARE, yes!), I own the
Maybe you have some interesting proposals, flames etc..? Then e-mail via
Voyager, 1992